Rules and Regulations of New York Car Shipping

Car Shipping
Shipping cars in New York can be different from shipping them from other states. There may be different rules and regulations that you must follow. You need to be aware of these if you are shipping a car in New York.
There are many companies who ship cars in New York. You can put New York Car Transport Experts into your favorite search bar to find one near you. You need to research them carefully to make sure that they are reputable companies.
This article will help you to learn some of the rules and regulations of New York car shipping. It will help you with knowing what you can and cannot do in New York. You can also do more research to find the information that you need.
Rules and Regulations
Companies who ship vehicles across New York must register with the FMCSA, or Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: This is a federal law that must be followed by all motor carriers. They are given a six-digit docket number to haul cargo. They also need a seven-digit from the USDOT, or United States Department of Transportation that allows them to haul in New York.
New York trucking regulations also require auto transporters to have the registration names and addresses on each side of their vehicle. The finance and tax department of the state will also administer tax numbers for highway use to carriers who use vehicles on the public highways of the state. These taxes are based on the weight of the vehicle. Any transporter that you hire from New York should have these numbers.
There are also laws that apply to the size of the vehicles that are transporting your vehicles in the Big Apple. The gross weight of the transporters can’t be more than eighty thousand pounds. The trailer can’t be longer than forty-eight feet long and it can’t be more than thirteen feet high or eight feet wide. There are daily permits that can be obtained by the day that will allow transporters to exceed these limits.
These vehicles can only travel on certain roadways throughout the state if they are within the size and weight ranges. They are not allowed to travel along parkways according to regulations. If the trailer exceeds these ranges, they are only allowed to travel on Interstate 495, Interstate 295, and Interstate 95. See more about that here.
An inspection for car haulers could show that the driver isn’t following these regulations and can be fined, along with their employer, for non-compliance. This can have a negative impact on you and can delay the transportation of the vehicles you are hauling. As a customer, it is important for you to hire a service with the valid registration and other records showing that they are following all the regulations.
Timeline for Shipping Vehicles
To get your business, some auto shippers will lie about how long it will take to get your car shipped. They will give you a shorter timeline so that you think you will get your car sooner than it will really take. You need to know the average time that it takes so that you are not taken advantage of.
They might tell you that it will take only three days to ship a car from California to New York. Since it usually takes about twelve days to do this trip that is about two thousand miles, you should view that as suspicious. They could only do that if they break all the rules and regulations about hauling vehicles.
The costs of shipping a car will vary depending on many different situations. To know how much it will cost, the carrier will need to know what kind of car you have, what size it is, pickup and drop off dates, and the distance you are shipping the vehicle. These costs will also vary depending on other factors that might affect the delivery of your vehicle.
For example, if you were shipping your vehicle from Florida to New York you could expect to pay about eleven hundred dollars because it is a distance of about one thousand miles. A shorter distance of about five hundred miles would be around six hundred dollars. This is only when talking about an open carrier because enclosed carriers will charge you more.
Enclosed carriers cost more because they are enclosed on all sides. This protects your auto from the elements and from debris flying up and damaging it. Most people are happy paying extra for this, especially if their auto is one that costs a lot for various reasons.
You will need to learn the rules and regulations of shipping a car in New York. You need to know these so that you won’t be taken advantage of. These rules and regulations are put in place for the safety of others on the road and for the safe delivery of your vehicle.